Ok readers…I am going to start by saying, this is probably the most ridiculous but fun game ever! My boys thought Flushin’ Frenzy by toy maker Mattel was hilarious. The concept of a poop (which btw every kid thinks is hilarious) flying out of a toilet is probably the silliest game I have seen. I think Stefano’s face says it all!

So what are the pros with this one? well, you are going to get a ton of giggles and laughing with this game and funny enough, you will also get a ton of learning as well. Set up is easy, put the toilet together, get your plunger ready, tuck the poop into the launcher and flush the toilet to roll your die. The die number represents the number of plunges you administer to the toilet. As you plunge, the poop may come flying out of the toilet! Here’s where we practice skills like reflexes, hand-eye coordination, and gross motor! The first one to catch the flying poop wins a token. the game continues till all the tokens are done and then the player with the most tokens wins the game.
Is this game gross? or just gross enough? hard to tell cause I was too busy laughing the whole way through. This is the perfect game for children ages 4 and up. A round lasted about 15 minutes and you can easily cut the game short by playing with fewer tokens, which is great for little ones. We enjoyed it…Minimalist mom tip coming up – Once we are done and over a certain game, we pass it on to a family friend or donate it.
till the next post